
Few pests cause such rapid and large scale damage to gardens, sports pitches or public areas as moles and their molehills. A problem can arise literally overnight, and without prompt action, the damage can become very extensive indeed. Mole Control from The Bristol Pest Controller can help.

Mole Feeding Habits

Moles feed on worms, by making tunnels under the surface and waiting for worms to drop in. They ‘swim’ through the soil to dig these tunnels using large claws, and they emerge at intervals to deposit excavated earth (in ‘molehills’). Moles are particularly fond of lawns because a large worm population lives close to the surface and the grassroots provide the perfect support structure for a tunnel roof. The effect on a carefully nurtured lawn can be extreme, with many molehills and tunnel ridges in a small area.

What Encourages Moles In A Garden?

Good quality soil and a healthy supply of food is essential, so moles are a sign that your garden is (or was!) a potential Bristol prize winner. If your neighbour’s garden is less well maintained, you may well find they do not have a mole problem while your garden is full of a molehill. You may also notice mole runs following the line of a fence, where water dripping onto the soil means a higher number of worms.

What Do You Do About Molehills?

Molehills are usually best left intact while the trapping process is taking place so that moles are not made wary. If there is a very large number of molehills, it can be helpful to spread the soil out so that new activity is obvious. Once the moles are gone, the soil can be redistributed thinly over the lawn or garden – molehill soil can also be a good mix for potting plants when used with compost.

Mole Control In Bristol

Mole control, involving catching or trapping moles, is a significant challenge. That is because each animal creates a very complex maze of tunnels, at varying depths, so there are many potential escape routes. Moles’ acute senses mean that the animals respond very quickly and effectively to threats, going deep underground at the first hint of vibration, unfamiliar scent or suspicious movements. Moles have high intelligence levels and are adept at learning from failed capture attempts, so an experienced mole cannot be caught without using expert strategies.

The Bristol Pest Controller has the expertise needed to remove a mole population quickly and ethically, without posing any threat to children or pets. We can ensure a complete end to the problem and a chance for stressed lawns to recover completely. Crucially, we provide the follow-up strategies needed to make sure that other moles moving into a now vacant territory can be discouraged and caught.

Get an immediate quote for mole control in the Bristol area.
Call us on 07970 749 482 or contact us today.