If you’re battling a woodworm or related problem, whether the problem is in your home or business we can help. Please contact our team today to find out more about woodworm treatment. Or read on to discover more about wood borers, various treatments. As well as any preventive measures you can take to safeguard against these invasive and damaging pests.

Woodworm Treatment Bristol

What is woodworm?

Woodworm is a loose term used to describe Wood-boring insects. The scientific name for these insects is Common Furniture Beetle.

You’d think the beetle stage of the insect would cause more harm or damage but it’s not. The real culprit is the larvae that they nest!

There are over 12 different species of Wood-boring insects in the UK with only one species normally found in the common households. And they spread far further than your table and chairs. You will also find them infesting floorboards, joists, skirting boards and roof rafters. In most cases, the first sign of an infestation is the exit holes they leave behind in the wood after emerging from larvae to the beetle.

Where does the Common Furniture Beetle come from?

The adult Furniture Beetle is 3-6mm in length has a brown body with wings. When the beetle emerges from the wood it migrates and flies to look for a sexual partner. Although the adult beetle itself will live a very short life only a matter of weeks sometimes. The life cycle of the insect can range between 3-5 years. This long period is relevant when it comes to carrying out a Woodworm treatment. It’s important to know that even if flight holes are not present you could still have Woodworm in the Wood. The Woodworm larval stage will burrow through the Wood going unnoticed to any observation or inspections from the outside. You would expect to see the adult beetle emerging from the wood in between May and September.

How do I know if I need a woodworm treatment?

When we examine timbers in buildings we find severely damaged wood caused by Wood-eating Larvae.

The holes are usually 1.5 – 2mm in diameter with bright yellow dust piles present. Fresh Woodworm activity is identifiable by the clean white wood inside the holes. Other telltale signs to look for when searching for fresh activity is dust frass piles in symmetrical lines below overhanging beams or rafters.

Woodworm Treatment Bristol

How does woodworm get into furniture?

The most common ways they enter a building is on second-hand furniture or wickerwork. They will also fly through the window especially if there are any overhanging dead tree branches close by. If you suspect you have an infestation of Woodworm you should have your timbers inspected immediately by a professional. The remedial work and woodworm treatment should be carried out to prevent the spread within floorboards, joinery, and structural timbers such as the rafters and joists.

Can Woodworm harm me?

It is unlikely that Woodworm will harm you directly. Although the safety of the structure where they are present could be dangerous. The seriousness of the damage caused to the wood where an infestation is present solely depends on the extent. If the infestation is left for a long period of time the timbers will become very weak. The whole of timber floors or ceilings could collapse even with the recommended weight resulting in a serious injury. Or even fatalities to humans.

Emerging Larvae

What attracts Wood Boring species to wood?

Different species of Wood-boring insects are attracted to different types of Wood. For instance, Death-watch beetle is found in hardwoods, for instance, old oak beams in stately homes. Frequently, where the beams are in direct contact with damp masonry and they are most likely to have been there since the day the property was built. On the other hand, the Common Furniture Beetle is a much smaller insect in comparison to the Death-Watch Beetle and prefer softwoods like seasoned pine.

Furniture Beetles will favour a moisture content in the wood of around 28% for it’s the best breeding environment, although they have been known to survive down to a 12% moisture content making them one of the more commonly found wood-boring pests.

Wood Weevil which is a smaller insect again in comparison to Furniture Beetle. These can die off completely if the moisture content is reduced enough. Common Furniture Beetle won’t die off naturally if the Wood is dried out. You will need professional treatment to control the infestation. Contact our friendly team today if this is a service you need.

What is the best way to Control Common Furniture Beetle?

The best way to treat the structural timbers such as the floorboards or joists is to leave it to the professionals with the specialist equipment. It’s a relief to know you that in most instances, you will NOT always need to throw away antique infested furniture. If the infestation is minor, you can get away with treating some furniture yourself with a ready to use a chemical which is applied by brush or spray. When you have finished treating the wooden items you should then fill the emergence holes with beeswax. This will make that furniture look more natural and keep it close to its original aesthetic. It would be a good opportunity to monitor any new or fresh beetle activity in the wood in case they return or a small number of larvae survive the process. Restoration of furniture that has been infested by Woodworm will not always be successful but definitely worth a try if you feel sentimental about a piece of furniture.

Squirrel technician
Woodworm Certificate Bristol

What’s involved in a professional woodworm treatment?

When we carry out a professional treatment for Woodworm we remove some of the floor boards providing us access to spray the joists below.

Likewise, we will apply our sprays within the timbers of the loft space. The loft insulation is removed prior to the treatment so that all timbers are accessible for the spray. We recommend that the timbers are thoroughly brushed down removing any dust, this is to prevent any fires from residues left behind post-treatment. We would also advise that any electrical junction boxes are covered up to prevent the ingress of liquid preventing fire. Post-treatment using a high-pressure sprayer you will not be permitted in the area until it’s dry. Sometimes we will advise you vacate the property for 24 hours after the initial treatment. If your treatment is limited to the loft space then a 24h evacuation will not be required.

What’s the difference between our Woodworm Treatment versus other Pest Control Companies?

You’ll receive high-quality customer care throughout your experience with The Bristol Pest Controller. We will keep you updated about your next appointment through text messages and emails. We’ll provide detailed and easy to understand reports following your treatment. We provide concise digital risk assessments and reports taking pictures of any holes or activity. We are a ‘Best Practice’ company who is part of the BPCA and fully compliant with Safe-contractor approved practices. If you hire a contractor to spray your house for Woodworm you should check to see that they hold the PCA certificate like ours above. The PCA set the standards for the building preservation industry in the UK. We also have a 24hour emergency call out service for our clients and are happy to manage your project from start to finish.

How do I permanently stop woodworm from entering my property?

There are a few things you can do yourself to prevent Woodworm from entering the property for good: Carry out a thorough inspection of any second-hand furniture. Keep all your spare wood dry as most beetles or insects will always attack items with high moisture content. You’ll need to keep your property is fairly warm and well-ventilated. This is to reduce the high moisture content levels that attract woodworm and borers. Frequent use of electronic fly killers to intercept adults about to lay their eggs or larvae within the wood can also be a very effective preventive method. You’ll need to replace any timbers that are too damaged. Be sure to seal any wood with a thick varnish after treatment as this will maintain a decent barrier between the wood and the insect.

If you need a woodworm treatment service you can contact us online or call us on: 0117 939 5775.