What is an Electronic Fly Killer/Zapper?

Electronic fly killers are one of the most effective and simple ways of removing flies from any environment. They are an incredibly popular means of destroying flies due to how easy they are to use and maintain. Our electric fly killers are easily installed and require a simple connection to an AC Mains. For a safe electric fly killer installation, contact us today.

The Bristol Pest Controller will instal electric fly killers into your home or business. Most of our electric fly killers are non-intrusive and can be mounted on the wall or suspended. Our variety of electric fly killers can be suitable for home or office use. Such as an office desk, all the way to the front of house and food preparation areas. Our lamps can come in a shatter-proof resistant option if required. And have a supersized glue board for fly collection if you’re concerned about any mess a zapped fly may make.

How Do Electronic Fly Killers Work?

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While science still isn’t totally sure why flies are drawn to ultraviolet (UV) light. This is due to their association with food, safety and navigation through emitting. The same UV rays that appear in sunlight.

Our electric fly killers attract these flying pests from the UV light emitted. Flies are drawn to the fly killer and zapped with high voltage electricity. And if your fly killer has a sticky board fitted, they will be trapped. Fortunately, the UV light emitted is invisible to the human eye. This makes it a non-intrusive and non-disruptive option for a variety of environments. For those thinking about a cost-effective option to your pest control problem, UV bulbs are typically much cheaper to run than your standard LED bulbs. Saving you money and using up much less energy.

Where Can I Install an Electronic Fly Killer?

When it comes to electric fly killers, the location is a massive consideration. We’ll need to make sure the light isn’t blocked by clutter, doors, or any other furniture, as most fly zappers work using UV light. Typically we believe that the most effective location for your fly zapper is usually on the tops of counters, a wall-mounting fix or suspension from the ceiling. This ensures that you have sufficient elevation so your electric fly killer can cover as much of the room as possible. Another consideration will be the lighting of the room – if the UV rays from the sun are stronger in your environment (e.g. a conservatory) you may need a version in which the bulbs emit a stronger UV light.

If you’re not sure about what type of electric fly killer will be most effective for your environment, please feel free to get in contact with our team.

The benefits of electric fly killers are that they are an affordable and low-maintenance pest control solution. The lure of a UV light source to flies is almost irresistible and kills the fly instantly, ensuring that noise and mess is minimal. So you can easily install, switch them on and leave them alone for the day or night to do their magic. If you have any queries regarding our electric fly killer service options please get in contact with The Bristol Pest Controller today.

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